Respect for the Game

The 2010 World Cup started yesterday and everybody who knows me understands that there are some days where I will not be available….Many people are showing their support for their favorite team and I am no different. This is Greece’s second world cup appearance and I will be mentally blocked out from the world for each game they play! You have been warned haha.

“Respect for the game” means that there are certain times and certain things that we each need to respect as time for ourselves, our own little indulgences. For me, right now, it’s the World Cup. It could be your favorite show, sporting event, nice glass of wine on the deck or an awards show. Anything really but always remember to respect each other. Our passions are what drive us and passions are needed in life.

So support your team, buy that flag, that jersey and have fun. Often we forget to just relax and have fun.

Ellas!!! Ellas !!!
Kevin P.

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